October’s Best Sellers

All of the snow that came in September left as fast as it arrived. It didn’t stick. And as I’m currently typing this in the beginning of November, it’s lightly snowing but the temps are forecasted to remain above freezing, meaning, this won’t stick either. It makes me curious if this winter is going to be a mild one for us or if it’ll dump (that’s Alaska lingo for “snow a lot”).

October was a rough one for the Olsons. We celebrated the life of our cousin’s 16 year old daughter who lost her year-long battle with ovarian cancer. That was tough but beautiful service. Immediately after the Celebration of Life service, my hubs left to Miami for a ten-day work trip. While he was gone, my dad came in town from Dallas for a week to help out with kids. He was seriously a life saver. He cooked dinner every night. I mean, we were done with dinner by 4:30 in the afternoon, but he cooked dinner and I didn’t have to worry about it! I had two concerts this month, also. For a number of my students, it was their first concert ever and I was so proud of how well they performed.

I’m looking forward to November and the start of the holidays. I am a huge fan of Thanksgiving, not necessarily because of the food (although that is a big reason), but because we take time at our Thanksgiving Day meal to go around the table and say what we are thankful for. Everyone participates, even the littles. It always makes me tear up, hearing my friends and family reflect on the good, or how they’ve overcome or are working through the bad. I love that tradition.

My goal for November is to plan a trip out of Anchorage. I don’t care if it’s a weekend in Girdwood with just the hubs or a week in Maui with the entire family. I’m just ready for a break. Hopefully the next time I write my monthly recap for November’s best sellers, that will have been accomplished. ‘Til then, Happy Thanksgiving, friends!

XO, Lesli

  1. Biggie Sweatshirt $29.20 // Wearing L (S-2XL)

2. Long Shacket $74.99// Wearing M (XS-4X)

Mine is sold out but I linked a similar one

4. Quarter Zip Sweater $25 // Wearing L (XS-4X)

5. Boyfriend Cardigan $27.99 // Wearing M (XS-4X)


November 2021


October 2021