My Top 3 Anchorage Winter Shoe Recs

I get asked pretty often via Instagram DM what my top winter shoe picks are that I made a reel showcasing them on Instagram. But I decided to permanently house them on here, too, complete with links and pictures of how I’ve styled them. You’re welcome. :)


My first “real” pair of winter Alaskan shoes, I mean the ones that not only kept my feet warm and rid of snow, but the ones that made me feel like a true Alaskan, were my XTRATUFs. Initially made for fishermen on boats, these shoes have easily become the shoe of Alaska. They are warm, flexible and durable. Yes, they’re pricey (these ones are $155, to be exact), but they do everything I need them to do: They hold up, keep my feet dry, are comfy and keep my feet warm. When it’s dumped 10” of snow and I need to shovel or take my dog for a walk, snow is not getting in these bad boys. They are worn year round in Alaska and come in a few style/color options, too.

XTRATUF 15" Legacy Boot

Women’s 15” Insulated Legacy Boot

How I’ve Styled Them

2. Sorels

Oh, boy. I’m surprised I haven’t gotten in trouble by my husband yet with the amount of money I’ve dropped on these shoes. Sorel has come out with sandals, hiking boots, sneakers, rain boots and plenty of other styles, but the cream of their crop, in my opinion, are their wedge and winter boots. I made the mistake of buying these Sorel boots this past Black Friday weekend, thinking they’d be warm and cute and fabulous. Turns out, they’re only cute and fabulous. I didn’t realize that they weren’t part of their winter boot collection and my feet freeze every time I wear them. I’m keeping them, don’t get me wrong, because I could use them as back up hiking boots this summer (I see a a future blog post about my top 3 Anchorage summer shoe recs in the future), but they are not good for Anchorage winters. This is my 16th winter in Alaska, so I’ve built up a pretty decent Sorel boot collection. Below are the ones that I own, if not the exact ones, then the current season’s version of the shoe, links to the shoes on the pics, and how I’ve styled/worn them out.

The Sorels I Own

How I’ve Styled Them

3. Blundstones

And my Blunnies round up my winter shoe recommendations. I’ve had these beauties for less than a year and have already gotten so much use out of them. I purchased them last Easter weekend when there was still plenty of snow on the ground and just before “break-up” season (the period of time when the temps warm up above freezing during the day so everything starts to melt, but then dip below freezing at night so everything turns into an ice rink by morning. It’s awesome.). These pricey boots have proven their worth over and over again. They were great for me during break-up and fall last year and they’ve been great during this exceptionally cold winter this season.

Chelsea Boot

How I’ve Styled Them

I hope you found this helpful in either your guide to finding the right shoe for you for winter wherever you’re at, or in styling the shoes you already own. Feel free to message me if you have any questions. See y’all soon!

XO, Les


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